Sunday, June 23, 2013

Then I read this...

I thought I had posted this!
Well, before Wednesday night.., when I was dealing with the fallout from Tuesday, plus new stresses...
I decided to read some blogs from the Recovery Site
and I read this by Life of Courage:

My Life Takes Courage

Thank you for those words, Courage!
I got out of bed today. That took courage.

I love having the blog community, because it helps to know that I'm not alone.
And some days there are just the right words when I needed them.


  1. I liked that post too. I was thinking about it lots just in the last couple hours. So I'm happily surprised to see you just posted this, too!

    1. I really thought I had posted it. I'm so glad you liked it. It really touched me.

    2. I am so thankful both of you have recognized your own amazing courage from my post! I have to keep reading it too to remind myself that I really do have that much courage. It is easy to forget!

  2. Stacey, I am so touched that you re-posted this blog entry. I was so unsure at the time if I should post it or not, but did so with faith and hope that others would feel that they are courageous too. We each have our own silent struggles and no one knows the courage it takes for us to do the little and big things in our lives. Yes, getting out of bed takes courage and I am proud of you for acting on that courage. Keep it up! Being aware of your courage will give you the strength to keep living righteously. You rock!

    1. Emma, thank you for posting this! I do believe being aware of courage will help us all keep on the strait and narrow! Again, thank you for this! :)


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