Friday, June 07, 2013


My name is Stacey (you: Hi Stacey!) and I am a recovering addict.
I wanted to start a blog because I feel that my particular addiction (written porn) is one that
isn't "considered" pornography. Yet it can become an addiction! I'm proof.
I will be doing a blog entry on what I consider written porn and how I struggle with it. (Hopefully soon)

So here is the interview I did for Sid's blog "By the Light of Grace"

Read it, get to know me, and stay tuned for more!

I hope you find help and comfort here.
You are not alone!


  1. Yay for your first post. I love having another blog friend :) Hi Stacey! And written pornography is still pornography, I get it. I recently threw away all my Twilight books and movies because that is what they were to me.

    1. So true! I haven't read Twilight or seen any movies past the first one, but one of my nonmember friends described them as Mormon soft-core porn and I thought I probably shouldn't read them. Good for you for throwing them away! I have some films I need to do that with.

  2. Looking forward to reading your post about written-porn. Yay for a blog!! Oooh so you did that interview... awesome! I'm excited to learn more from you.

  3. Thanks, Dust! I'm excited to learn more from you! I'm working on the written porn post now. :)


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