Well, it happened.
I'm moving out of state and I have less than two weeks to do it!
I'm trying to trust in Heavenly Father.
I have a lot of doubts about me and this future that unexpectedly appeared, but I also told Him that His will be done. And I have to keep my word. Darn it. ;)
Honestly, part of me is sad, because this wasn't what I hoped for, deep, deep down inside. Still, it's a good change. A scary, huge change, but a good one.
I'm not sure how much I'll be able to blog as I try to quickly pack and move and find a place to live. I feel like I'm being suddenly thrust back into a grownup world. I mean, I've lived here before, but living at home is definitely different! Lots of fears are trying to crowd in, but I got a blessing and I try to recognize when the thoughts aren't from Heavenly Father. Either way, I'm pressing forward
See you on the other side?
Wish me luck.
So proud of you for making such a hard choice and for relying on Heavenly Father for support and asking those questions. You're gonna rock this job!!!