Saturday, May 10, 2014

Unexpected road ahead.

In my last blog post, you might remember that I mentioned a potentially life-changing thing?

Well, it happened.
I'm moving out of state and I have less than two weeks to do it!

I'm trying to trust in Heavenly Father.
I have a lot of doubts about me and this future that unexpectedly appeared, but I also told Him that His will be done. And I have to keep my word. Darn it. ;)

Honestly, part of me is sad, because this wasn't what I hoped for, deep, deep down inside. Still, it's a good change. A scary, huge change, but a good one.

I'm not sure how much I'll be able to blog as I try to quickly pack and move and find a place to live. I feel like I'm being suddenly thrust back into a grownup world. I mean, I've lived here before, but living at home is definitely different! Lots of fears are trying to crowd in, but I got a blessing and I try to recognize when the thoughts aren't from Heavenly Father. Either way, I'm pressing forward

See you on the other side?
Wish me luck.

I think He did.


  1. So proud of you for making such a hard choice and for relying on Heavenly Father for support and asking those questions. You're gonna rock this job!!!


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