Sunday, February 02, 2014

Heart Triggers.

Beggar's Daughter did a few blog posts on different kinds of triggers. (Apparently the website is down for February. Darn it!) So never mind that. Look it up when it's back up...

Anyway the triggers are Heart, Mind, and Soul.

I'm struggling lately with triggers and the temptation to live in fantasy.
I talked about my fantasy issue last week in the previous post, but I realized that I didn't talk about the trigger. It was a big, huge heart trigger (s).
In the past, my fantasies about men involved them finding me attractive. There's a lot of detail in how I would go about that, but for the sake of space, I will just say that I used fantasy to create a better self self, to make an alternate me.

Now I realize that these fantasies were based on a need to feel loved, to feel important, to be wanted and desired by someone. It's basic limerence and it's a natural part of crushes, etc. However, with me it's not a good thing. Ya know, with the whole addiction aspect.

Which is why I think I shut down. I mean, yes, I had a crush on a coworker and a guy in my ward, but they seem more like practice rounds compared with what I'm going through right now. This past week the addict me has been clamoring for release. Memories of old fantasies, old "story lines" have been coming up every day. And all based on a crush on movie star.

This kinda hit me unexpectedly. I'm very careful in what I watch. I usually avoid films with actors I've had crushes/fantasies about. And I can be logical and say "This is pretend. This is not real. It's not even based on reality." But I still struggle. Because my heart wants it. And it is a good desire. A desire to be loved is not a bad thing. But my addiction can turn it into a slip and relapse.

As a result, I've been analyzing what led me to this point. Because I am very, very happily single. Not interested in dating, thank you!
But a few months ago, I watched a movie with some sweet romantic scene and I now realize that it triggered my heart. I want to be loved. Part of me wants a boyfriend and the other part is scared to death about a relationship. Scared about feelings and revealing my addiction, etc. So I bury it.
Then, last month, I went on a date. I'm trying to be open to what Heavenly Father wants for me. And I know that includes getting married. So I went on a date. It was nice. And I never heard from him again.

I wasn't expecting this to end in a temple marriage, but the result disheartened me. It has happened so much! Another heart trigger. And so when this actor comes along in a show that I love, that makes me laugh, a guy that seems nice and is, well completely safe to have a crush on… my heart was ripe for the trigger. Which is also scaring me, because dang it, if I feel like this when I have a crush on a face on a screen… how am I ever going to handle a real, live person.

The problem is that I'm struggling to put it away. To turn to Heavenly Father in the midst of the trigger and the feelings. To not watch every single movie he's in and read every single article about him. Memorize his birthday, etc. But oh it is HARD! Because the feelings are so nice. So today I am trying. I did not watch much of the Super Bowl. I'm working on my callings. I am not watching the show, because Sunday is about the Lord and I want to show Him that I want Him center in my life.

It's not easy, because my faith is weak right now. I am not where I want to be. I don't understand why I have to be here. And at the same time terrified about ever leaving. Oh, anxiety about change makes life so much fun.
I worry that I am not where I'm supposed to be. I worry that I'm not handling this trial in a good way and feel like it's a jail sentence that the Lord will just keep increasing until I finally learn my lesson. I am so tired of my job. I am so tired of living at home. I am tired of my life. It's supposed to get better at some point, right?

But every day I pray. I read my scriptures. I try to find one good thing to be grateful for. And sometimes I do this because I feel like if I keep going maybe, just maybe I'll get a blessing for it. Probably not the best attitude to have, but I don't want to shirk. So today I'll just keep trudging.

So here's my song for the day. It really speaks to me right now. I love how it seems a little depressing, but to me, it's hopeful. Because I'm not alone and somewhere deep inside, I must believe that God will help me.
Otherwise I wouldn't keep trying.


  1. I like the idea of the three trigger types; heart one is easily the one that gets me the most. Maybe you could elaborate on the other two?? not quite sure about brain is often full of lust chemicals...maybe that's it??

    1. Soul triggers are issues with our spirit or feeling the spirit. Mind triggers are are thoughts, issues with our thoughts and beliefs. She explains it so much better and I wish the website wasn't down.

  2. Hi Stacey--First off, you were in my dream last night. I don't even know what you look like or where you live, but my dream took care of those details. You lived in a little red house on the Oregon coast, with just a few neighbors. It was perfect. :)

    So I read this post last night and LOVED it. I particularly relate to your triggers by movies. I have learned, similarly to you, that I just shouldn't watch Chic-Flicks anymore. Why? I realized this last time I watched them, it's because I want what's on the screen: The infatuation, the thrill of the chase, the first kiss, and the butterflies. And chic-flicks always end there.... but unfortunately, I want it to end there too, but I know realistically that doesn't make for a longterm commitment or happiness.

    But you're right, we have to be on guard! Because if I dwell on that, then I begin to seek it, and then next thing you know I'm crazy in my cycle and it gets harder and harder to break out of.

    1. That would be awesome! I would love to live in Oregon.
      Thanks for your insights! It seems like I avoid most films today anyway. :) ha ha ha.

  3. Pretty deep. Thanks - really interesting read!


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